Consulting: SIP

The Social Impact Practice of MUSE Consulting (SIP) works on marketing strategy and general business consulting projects for non-profit organizations and for-profit companies with a social impact focus. Our branch aims to deliver insights and results that can make a difference for our clients and have an impact on the world.


Meet the Team


VP of Consulting: SIP

Kavya Ravishankar

Kavya Ravishankar is a senior in the M&T program, studying Computer Science and Finance. Kavya joined MUSE SIP in the spring of her freshman year. She has since worked on various projects as a consultant and a project leader. Her favorite part of MUSE is the feeling of adding tangible value to her clients' social impact efforts and the tight-knit community!

VP of Consulting: SIP

Lawrence Zhu

Lawrence is a senior in the College studying Economics and Healthcare Management. He first joined MUSE as a freshman in the SIP division as a junior consultant before becoming a project leader for two semesters, and VP this upcoming spring. In his free time, Lawrence loves playing tennis, traveling, and working out.


Committee Members

Aakruti Ganeshan, Amar Sandhu, Danna Martinez, Elisa Zhang, Ishaani Baasu, Lawrence Zhu, Leo Lee, Megan Li, Saavan Myneni, Sarem Lagheri, Vereta Gour, Aakruti, Cindy Dang, Sophia Feldman, Risha Kumar, Vikram Balasubramanian, Candice Li