JOIN Muse marketing

The Marketing Undergraduate Student Establishment (MUSE) aims to
promote the academic study and professional practice of marketing
by providing professional learning opportunities, building a strong
community, and developing a passion for marketing.

There are two ways to join MUSE:

1. Opt-In to Join as a General Body Member - No Application needed
2. Apply to be on a specific Committee (see below) - Application Required

  • MUSE Committees:

    1. External: External Committee manages corporate sponsorship and external events available to the entire Penn community, from hosting case competitions to job shadowing trips.

    2. Internal: TheInternal Committee tracks membership, provides incentive systems for member participation, organizes social events, and helps spread the #MUSELove.

    3. Finance: Finance Committee supports the general operations of MUSE. This includes managing and allocating the organization’s budget through a club-wide liaison system.

    4. Case Team: Case Team works on a year-long, nation-wide case competition, building comprehensive business solutions, from market research to the ultimate execution of tactics.

    5. MUSE Consulting: Generalists:MUSE Generalists does marketing strategy and general business consulting work. They deliver actionable marketing strategies to clients, including Fortune 500 companies.

    6. MUSE Consulting: Social Impact Practices (SIP): MUSE Social Impact Practices works with non-profit organizations on marketing consulting projects, which involve market research, event planning, and community outreach.

    7. Conferences: Conferences is responsible for our two conferences: MARC and WUMC. This includes outreach to speakers, all logistics, and budget management.

    8. Creative: Creative is an advertising agency that pitches and produces promotional materials for real-world clients, designing social media pamphlets and product packaging.

    9. Digital: Digital is MUSE's digital marketing and data analytics hub. It focuses on web and graphic design and data analysis for both MUSE operations and external clients.

    10. Innovation: Innovation designs and implements non-conventional and experiential marketing tactics. Past projects have included app design and virtual reality.

    11. Social Impact: The Social Impact Committee spearheads events and initiatives addressing the intersection between social impact and marketing, from speaker events to workshops.

  • No application required! Just Opt-In via PennClubs or sign up to our newsletter, MUSEFlash.

    General Body Members can enjoy:

    1. Social events with the club

    2. Educational opportunities offered by the organization

    3. Speaker events and info sessions with key firms and alumni


Recruitment Timeline

August / December

Explore this page to determine if you are interested in joining our organization. Recruitment will not yet be open, so you have time to read about different opportunities. It is also a great time to attend student fairs and meet the MUSE members!


Recruitment opens! Attend the info sessions, workshops, and fairs to meet the board and other committee members and learn more. Dates will be posted on our Instagram.


Navigate to PennClubs to complete the full application for a specific role on a Committee or become a GBM. Apply to a max of 2 committees and indicate interest in up to 2 more. All years, schools, and majors are encouraged to apply!

After Applying & Next Steps

Our Board will determine which candidates will move on to the interview round. We will conduct one or two rounds of interviews deoending on the committee and notify all prospective applicants of their status along the way. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept all students into our limited Committee positions, but there will be another opportunity to apply in the next cycle if you are still interested!

The next application cycle is fall 2025

Committee applications open each semester! Spring 2025 applications are currently closed, and the next application cycle is Fall 2025. Check back for more updates and keep up with the latest announcements on our social media platforms.



Contact Us

Have questions or comments? Please feel free to reach out!

University of Pennsylvania

3730 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19014